Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day Cupcakes!

Well of course you must do mother’s day cupcakes to sweeten her up! The ideas I used are similar to the picnic ones:

Hershey’s recipe-my mother will accept nothing and I mean NOTHING else! ;)
Green grass, butterflies (using the pretzels and m&m’s, and flowers (Sunflowers and basic ones using cut-up airheads and m&m’s).

The grass and Sunflowers turned out MUCH better than the first few times! What I did differently was plan way ahead for time and after coloring the frosting, I stuck it in the freezer and took it out only when used.
The more firm the frosting is, the better shape you are going to get. I did use my pastry bag and the grass tip for the grass (best turn out yet!). For the petals I used the technique advised from the book: V-shaped cut on corner with the tape to make it stronger. REMEMBER: the wider the cut the better the flowers. If you look closely at the petals you’ll notice a line in the middle, that’s from the cut! I love it! And I used off-brand Oreo’s for the middle and it shows “seeds” better than the Oreo would! 
So this was definitely a success and I’m getting better and better every time I create. I am still looking for ideas people so get them to me please!

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