Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For a movie theme or movie night

So I’m on an auction committee as a volunteer for the Tiny Tim Center in Longmont, Colorado. You can read about what they do here, and the auction right here. It’s an annual fundraising event and I’m very excited to help out!
So the theme for the auction is Evening with the Stars. The colors are black, white, silver, and red. It’s based around the old-time movies and Oscars. I decided to bring cupcakes to one of the meetings and I based the decoration around the theme using white almond bark for the stars and film reel. (I also did chocolate almond bark for the film reel as well.) When I placed the cupcakes a certain way, they got the look of the reel. I also complimented it with stars and added random red hots with those.

It looked great! But hard to pull apart as the almond bark hardens. So next time I’ll just use regular frosting. Overall, a hit! (and the flavor was chocolate)

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